My committee assignments
Before the polls closed on Election Day, I wrote to you and said, “We are at a pivotal moment in our history, and we must all look in the mirror with furrowed brow to ask that question — who are we?”
Despite the results of the presidential election, I still believe that answer is a good one.
While the fight for justice and equality has become more urgent, this is still a nation founded on the ideas of liberty and equality for all — and we will not give in at a time when so many Californians and Americans are uncertain about the future of our country. I will unrelentingly fight for our families and our values, and I know you will too.
With that in mind, I want to share an update with you that will shape our work in the coming years.

This week, we learned that I will serve on four committees in the Senate — Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, Select Committee On Intelligence, Environment and Public Works Committee, and the Committee On Budget.
I’m proud to have had a long career as a prosecutor protecting public safety and defending immigrants and refugees. On the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, I will be on the frontline of immigration enforcement action in the Congress. Here in California, I fought to pass laws that protect immigrant victims of crime and illegal retaliation for undocumented immigrants who report crimes. And during our campaign, I was a leading voice for increasing — not stopping — the number of asylum seekers our country accepts from Syria and other war-torn countries.
On the Select Committee On Intelligence, I will be able to put my experience as a prosecutor to work fighting for smarter approaches to intelligence and law enforcement strategies. Much of my work as Attorney General focused on fighting cybercrime, and in fact, my office created the largest e-crime unit in the nation, including a privacy enforcement and protection unit within the California Attorney General’s office.
Throughout my career, I’ve defended California’s landmark climate change protections while prosecuting Big Oil companies and corporate polluters. On the Environment and Public Works Committee, I will be able to continue this work while fighting for $59 billion in unmet transportation needs we have in California, which will fuel long-term economic growth through infrastructure investments.
Fighting to protect programs such as Obamacare and Medicare will be one of my top priorities in the U.S. Senate, and as a member of the Committee On Budget, I will be fighting for the funding these programs require to operate. As Attorney General, I’ve defended the Affordable Care Act from legal challenges and expanded health care access for Californians. I will keep prioritizing access to comprehensive, affordable health care and lead the resistance against any short-sighted legislation intended to gut our social contract for future generations.
And of course, I will continue to do my job as your Attorney General until I take the oath of office and we will work hard to ensure a smooth transition for the people of California with my successor.
No state in the Union can have a larger impact on the direction of our country’s future than California, and I am honored to serve as your representative in Washington on these committees, fighting for the issues that matter most to us as Californians and Americans.
This is a moment that we must use to rededicate ourselves to the cause of justice, equality, and tolerance while building a coalition for progress. I hope you’ll stay involved as we move forward and continue to be a part of shaping our nation’s future.
Thanks again for everything you do.
Fight on,