I voted YES on the coronavirus relief bill, here’s why
This week, I voted YES on the $2 trillion coronavirus relief bill, and I wanted to let you know why.
The original Republican bill released did not address the pain everyday Americans are feeling. It failed our workers by bailing out big industries without requiring them to keep people employed or ensure workers are protected.
While far from perfect, the bill puts workers first and addresses some of the biggest issues we are facing.
Here are some of the things Democrats fought for and won:
- Giving workers immediate relief with a one-time payment and four months of unemployment at full salary.
- Investing billions in our nation’s hospitals so they can buy the equipment and protective gear they need.
- Helping out state and local governments by providing financial relief.
- Providing oversight, accountability, and transparency on corporate lending.
- Helping out small businesses by providing interest free loans.
We did all of this because the American people need to know that help is on the way.
Our economy is made up of working people like cashiers, domestic workers, farm workers, small business owners, truck drivers, and teachers.
And right now, millions of these Americans are wondering how they’re going to make their rent or mortgage payments in April. They have to be our priority, not corporations and not Wall Street.
Which is why the Senate needs to get right back to work. Our job isn’t done.
We need monthly payments for individuals and small businesses, and we need urgent help for laid off workers who lost their health care in the midst of this crisis.
As long as I’m in the Senate you can bet I will continue to fight for the people. This bill was just a step, there’s plenty more work to do to help Americans in need.
I’ll be in touch again soon with more updates, but for now stay at home if you can and check in with family and friends, because we are in this together.
My very best,