A cruel and heartless bill
Yesterday the Senate Republicans advanced their cruel and heartless health care repeal bill. The fight is far from over and the last thing we should do is despair or throw our hands up — not when you consider that millions of people are poised to lose their health insurance or see their premiums skyrocket if this legislation is enacted.
As a society, we cannot play politics with fundamental rights. Make no mistake that access to affordable and meaningful health care should be thought of as a human right and civil right.
Collectively, as a coalition of elected officials, parents, children, and Americans who have a real stake in this fight, we have to ramp up up the pressure to make it clear that they can’t do this. They can’t take away our health care. It’s just plain wrong is what it is. We have to make sure they know that, so make sure you call your Senators at (202) 224–3121.
And if they continue to ignore our voices, then we’re going to have it make it clear that if you voted to take away our health care, then we’re going to vote and take away your job.
To all of you who have taken action during this fight: everything you have done has mattered. It’s extraordinary how this fight has progressed and how difficult it has been for the Republicans to get even this far. Your presence at townhalls, marches, and your emails, letters, and tweets have mattered.
It’s important you know that. We can’t stop now. Millions of lives hang in the balance.
Let’s ramp up the pressure today and in the coming days before the final votes to close this out with a victory. Stay active. Stay engaged.
Thank you for your courage and your activism — for sharing your stories and for being a voice for millions of vulnerable Americans who couldn’t get involved in this fight, but deserve to be heard.
Keep up the pressure,
Kamala Harris
U.S. Senator, California